efore triumphantly launching Thinkegic on the verge of a global pandemic, with a background in Sociology and Advertising and the winner mentality coming from her years as professional athlete, Isabella has successfully explored all facets of communication – from radio to advertising, via event organising, creative media and customer service. In her professional wardrobe she has quite a hat collection to brag about: the one of a resourceful producer & supplier, the one of an agency maverick, the business intelligence analyst or the marketer one. Over a decade, she navigated the waters of well-established companies such as Affichage, Saatchi & Saatchi, Springer & Jacoby or Network One Distribution.

Private Labels
Via NOD, she has coordinated all marketing operations for 8 Private Label brands: HEINNER, HORIZON, HEINNER Tools, Heinner Home, Cooking by Heinner, SERIOUX, U-Grow and Momki.

Decoding Brands
In Hong Kong she refined her skills in the world of business analytics and within Thinkegic she applied the established cosmopolitan knowledge by culturally decoding brands for British, Hungarian or Romanian audiences.

Professional Mantra
“Limited resources, unlimited ideas”, “Give me a free hand and the results will follow”,”Ideas are a Dime a Dozen. Those able to also implement them are priceless”, “Value for Money”,”A good laugh will save the world or will die trying” are part of Isabella’s professional mantra.

people’s person
A people’s person and a great networker, Isabella knows someone that knows someone, so in the very unlikely possibility of not knowing an answer, she can always reach out for the one that does.
When she is not on her consultant adventures, she delivers presentations on topics related to marketing, successful brand management and communication for young professionals. Several times a year, she is invited to evaluate creative competitions as juror with expertise in creative efficiency campaigns.